5 Beautiful Flowers For Your Backyard

By John

Author bio: John is a gardening enthusiast. Let's solve your gardening problems and grow beautiful flowers together!

Flowers have a unique, delicate, and delightful way of brightening our mood. Planting some vibrant ones in your raised garden bed or backyard will not only bring you delight but also give the area a sweet fragrance. There are thousands of flowering plants to choose from if you plan to purchase them. But before that, you’ll first need to determine your area’s soil type, how much sun it receives, the season, and so on. 
In this post, we’ll share with you 5 beautiful flowers for your backyard. So, keep reading if you need inspiration while selecting flowers.



If your backyard has a shady area that you wish to brighten, Bergenia is the perfect flower for it. It is a hardy plant that needs very low maintenance and takes only a little time to grow. Also called elephant’s ears and pipsqueak, Bergenia is a genus containing ten flowering-plant species. These flowers are evergreen perennials that flourish in shades in moist, well-drained soil. They are native to Central Asia and bloom from autumn to spring when they reach 40 cm in height. The leaves are rounded, green, and grow up to 35 cm wide.

The most beloved Bergenia varieties feature leaves with exceptional flowering or coloration. Bergenia cordifolia (Heartleaf Bergenia), Bergenia purpurascens (red leaf Bergenia), and Bergenia crassifolia (thick leaf Bergenia) are some of them.

  • Color varieties: white, purple, pink, and red.
  • Soil requirement: Moist, humus-rich and well-drained.
  • Light: Shade/Partial Sun.
  • Mature Size: 1-2 ft (height) and 1-2 ft (width).
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8.


This list couldn’t be complete without adding peonies! They are also perennials and start blooming around late spring or early summer. Available in thirty-three known species, peonies are native to Western North America, Europe, and Asia.  They come in three categories- Tree Peonies, Herbaceous Peonies, and Itoh or Intersectional Peonies. The herbaceous plant types grow 1 to 3 feet tall, and the woody shrub plants reach up to 11 ft in height. 

Even when it comes to flower blooms, peonies are classified into six types- Japanese, Single, Semi-double, Full double, Bombe, and Anemone. The flower shape ranges from bold, pom-pom-like puffs to delicate and airy types. We recommend planting herbaceous peonies in your metal raised garden bed as they generally don’t require high maintenance. These popular garden plants grow well in temperate regions.

  • Color varieties: white, red, pink, deep purple, orange, and yellow.
  • Soil requirement: Moist and well-drained.
  • Light: Full Sun.
  • Mature Size:  1-2 ft (height)
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-8.


What we know as marigolds in English are a plant group belonging to a perennial or annual plant genus called Tagetes. They are native to Mexico and blooms through spring, summer, and fall.  Marigolds add vibrancy and freshness to your garden with their rich hues. They are cheerful and easy to grow, making them a favorite among flower lovers. These flowering plants produce carnation- or daisy-like flowers in clusters or singles.

Although there are around fifty Tagetes species, the most common ones that reach people’s gardens are:
Tagetes patula or French marigolds- They are small, bushy, and broad and grow up to two feet tall. French marigolds excel in rainy conditions.
Tagetes erecta or American/African/Mexican marigolds- They are the tallest among all species, producing large flowers and growing up to 4 feet tall. These marigolds grow well, even in drought-like situations.
Tagetes tenuifolia or Signet marigolds- If you live in a hot, dry area and love some marigolds in your backyard, opt for this one.
Calendula officinalis or English marigolds- This variety is native to southern Europe and has edible flowers that taste peppery and tangy.

  • Color varieties: orange, golden, white, and yellow.
  • Soil requirement: Well-drained.
  • Light: Full Sun.
  • Mature Size: 3ft (height)
  • USDA Hardiness Zones:2-11.


Also known as carnation, sweet William, and pink, Dianthus are hardy plants that many people use as potted displays and borders. These herbaceous perennial plants are fragrant and give off clove and cinnamon notes. 
There are about 340 species of Dianthus, primarily native to Asia and Europe. Dianthus symbolizes gratitude, love, admiration, and affection. The vibrant, colorful flowers bloom around late spring. And when they aren’t in bloom, the herbs present stunning bluish-grey foliage. So, they beautify any place throughout the year. 
Ensure that the plant gets four to five hours of sunlight every day if you decide to plant them. They also need proper air circulation, mulch-free, and well-drained soil. 

  • Color varieties: white, red, lilac, pink.
  • Soil requirement: Fertile and Well-drained.
  • Light: Full Sun/Partial Shade.
  • Mature Size: 6"-36" (height) and 6"-24" (width).
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-10.
Canna Lily

Canna Lily

Do you need plants that stand out from the rest and show off their stunning flowers when you pass by the backyard? Canna lilies are perfect for it. 
These flowers represent confidence and hope and are a great addition to your flower collection if you have sunny areas in your garden. Canna lilies grow up to 9 feet tall and can straight upright on their own.
You can enjoy their long-lasting bloom from June until winter. They are easy to grow and low-maintenance as long as they get proper sunlight and well-drained soil. Canna lilies thrive when exposed to the sun for six to eight hours daily. So, they might not be ideal for colder regions.

  • Color varieties: Orange, yellow, white, red, and salmon pink.
  • Soil requirement: Moisture-retentive, high organic-matter-content.
  • Light: Full Sun/Light Shade.
  • Mature Size: 3-5 ft (height).
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-10.


It would be impossible to curate a list of the world’s most beautiful flowers because all flowers are bewildering in their unique ways. It can be challenging to choose a few flowers from thousands of options when attempting to beautify your backyard. Nevertheless, it will look fantastic regardless of the flowers you pick.
However, a few factors will narrow your options, like the flowers’ zones and soil requirements. Determine what growing conditions your favorite flowers need before planting them. Hopefully, our list of 5 beautiful flowers for your backyard comprises options you like. 

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17'' Tall 8x2 Planter Boxes (9 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

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17'' Tall 8x4 Raised Bed Garden (10 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

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17'' Tall 42'' Wide Round Raised Garden Beds【Upgrade 2.0】

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17'' Tall 6.5x2 Garden Boxes Raised (6 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】
